cocktail no. 8 | stuffing

A Friendsgiving inspired gin cocktail.

A Friendsgiving inspired gin cocktail.

Memory is a funny thing. Some things plant themselves in the depth of brain. Others need to be placed, revisited, and secured in those same banks. And some things live on both sides – part sense, part study. Stuffing is both.

First, credit where credit is due. Stuffing is the creation of one of my dearest friends, Eric. While hours we two have logged at a bar may be notable, they pale in comparison to the truths unpacked between friends. The time spent sitting on stools changed my life. Eric was a witness – literally and figuratively – to the creation of bitter forward. Though he was my person at the end of the aisle, he could have easily been a best man.

Stuffing is a creation of a Friendsgiving circa 2010. I called on friends to take a traditional turkey favorite and remix it. For the life of me, I cannot specifically remember why Eric picked stuffing. Though I think that it might have been because he was late to choosing (I only allowed two people per dish).

What I recall about the first time I had Stuffing – it was a surprising take on the origin meal, it wasn’t the only cocktail (Joshua was not in his libation prime yet), and it worked so well with fall food flavors. In short, it was so damn good. For gatherings that followed, we implored Eric to bring Stuffing – it showed up at regular hangs, as a secret cocktail at larger parties, and occasionally the catalyst to a slightly too tipsy night. Stuffing, in my sense memory, is the best original cocktail made, indirectly, at my behest.

I don’t recall the first time I asked for the recipe. I’m confident I lost it once or twice (or more). As much as I loved it, I never made it for myself. It wasn’t until Joshua added Stuffing to his cocktail recipe bank (probably at my prodding) that I ever had the drink outside of Eric’s creation. As far as I’m concerned, more people should get to enjoy this holiday deliciousness - on holidays or otherwise - so we’re happy to share . . . Stuffing.


  • 1 1/2 ounce Plymouth gin

  • 3/4 ounce Brovo +Df2 Douglas Fir Liqueur (original recipe calls for Eau di Vie of Douglas Fir)

  • 1/2 ounce lemon juice

  • 1/2 ounce rosemary simple syrup**

  • 1/4 ounce grapefruit juice


  • Add all ingredients to shaker with ice

  • Shake until well chilled

  • Can be served up or on the rocks

  • Garnish with a rosemary sprig

**Rosemary simple syrup: One to one ratio of sugar and water (1 cup of each). 2 tablespoons fresh rosemary leaves. Put sugar and water in a saucepan and bring to boil, then reduce to simmer. Stir occasionally until sugar has fully dissolved. Add rosemary leaves to steep. The longer you leave simple syrup overnight with rosemary leaves in it you'll have a more intense flavor. Overnight for most intensity.


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